Posted by Barbara Najera on Mar 01, 2018

Barbara Najera (President-Elect), Doug Weiss (President-Nominee), and Shannon Rickels Coleman (Assistant Governor Elect for Rotary District 5870 Central Texas) attended the Lone Star President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) in Dallas, Texas this past weekend.

We heard some absolutely Inspirational speeches from Rotarians all over the world. Rotary International President-Elect Barry Rassin started off our Friday with a great speech about his goals for the incoming Rotary Year. He prepared us for a wonderful weekend of camaraderie and learning. We are truly excited and honored to have him as our President for the 2018-19 Rotary Year. His theme for Rotary Year 2018-19 is "Be The Inspiration."…/rotary-international-president-ras…

So many other amazing speeches were given. We enjoyed the stories from Past Rotary International President Rick King. He talks about the duties of a club president, and tells stories about his life in Rotary. His recollection about a Rotarian that he met from Prague left everyone incredibly inspired and deeply moved. You can hear his story here:

“I am so privileged to have been able to attend PETS twice before my year as President of the Rotary Club of Pflugerville. This training helps all incoming Presidents feel better prepared to take on the new Rotary year. I learned so much from past presidents, past district governors, and all of the other experienced Rotarians that take the time to spend a weekend sharing their priceless knowledge with us. I am truly honored to be a part of Rotary, and I am proud to have been elected to lead our Club. Rotary Club of Pflugerville is truly an amazing club, and I love that some of my closest friends are my fellow Rotarians. We are a family! We have always had exceptional Presidents in our club, and it has been wonderful to serve as President-Elect for Jeff Coleman. I left PETS truly inspired by all of those around me, and I am excited for July 1, 2018 when I become President of our Rotary Club. I will do my very best to BE THE INSPIRATION for my fellow Rotarians and my community!” – President-Elect Barbara Najera

"At first, I was overwhelmed by the magnitude of the task.  There are so many aspects to being a part of Rotary International.  But I was (somewhat) relieved when the pieces were broken down to the point that they appear manageable.  I’m glad I still have so much time to prepare, and I’m thankful that there are resources and training to help. And I’m looking forward to becoming the president that our club needs me to be." President-Nominee Doug Weiss

"I am awed by the incredible quality of leadership exemplified in Rotarians and their willingness to step up to the plate to serve others." Assistant Governor Elect Shannon Coleman 

Rotary Lonestar PETS
